Constitution for Local Associations

(This uniform Constitution will be followed by all YWCAs across the country from year 2023)

We, the members of the YWCA of India are organized to advance the spiritual, social, intellectual and physical wellbeing and interests of women and girls. We as Members adopt this Constitution as an expression of the Christian faith to which we are committed as a united movement and also in our lives as individuals. Our vision is of a fully inclusive world where social justice, peace, health care, relief to the poor, education, employment,  human dignity, freedom and preservation of the environment are promoted and sustained by women’s leadership.
Unless the context otherwise requires:
  1. ‘Act’ shall mean The Societies Registration Act, 1860/Charities Commissioner and rules made there under as amended from time to time.
  1. ‘Appropriate Governmental Authority’ shall mean the relevant ministry and/or department of the Government of India/ State Government/Union Territory, statutory bodies, autonomous organizations, corporations associated with the Sector.
  1. ‘Auditor’ shall mean the company/individual appointed at the Annual General Body Meeting to audit the accounts for the current financial year.  
  1. ‘Association’:

a)      ‘Group in formation(GIF)’ shall mean, twenty five (25) women or more who together are interested in joining the YWCA movement and recognised by the YWCA of India.

b)     ‘Accredited Association’ shall mean an organised group which is working towards the criteria laid down for affiliated associations in the YWCA and has been continuously active for two ( 2) years

c)      ‘Affiliated Association’ shall mean an association organised in accordance with the YWCA of India’s Constitution and shall have been in continuous existence for three years, fulfilling the conditions of affiliation as stated in Article V  of Constitution.

  1. ‘Board of Management’ shall mean Members elected in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Association to manage the affairs of the Association.
  1. ‘Board Member’ shall mean an individual who is a member of the Board of Management.
  1. ‘Convention’ shall mean the regular general body meeting of the YWCA of India called by the National Board at intervals of not more than four(4) and not less than three years (3) from the date of the previous convention.
  1. ‘Family’ shall mean social a unit of two or more persons related by blood (daughter, mother, sister, grand-daughter, aunt) or by marriage (daughter in law, mother in law, and sister in law, i.e., brother’s wife or husband’s sister).
  1. ‘Financial Year’ shall mean the year commencing 1st April and ending 31st March each year.
  1. “General Body” shall mean all the Members of the Association.
  1. “Member” shall mean any person who has taken membership in the YWCA in accordance with the Constitution and shall include all classes of members.
  1. ‘Electoral Member’ shall mean a Member of the YWCA who subscribes to the Aim and Basis   and who satisfies the conditions of Article VI of the Constitution.
  2. ‘Associate Member’ shall mean a Member of the YWCA who does not subscribe to the Basis but is in sympathy with the Aim of the association and who satisfies the conditions of Article VI of the Constitution.
  3. Junior Member’ shall mean any girl of between the age of eight (8) and seventeen (17) years of age who wishes to join the YWCA of ________________________________ may become a junior member.
  1. ‘National Association’ shall mean the YWCA of India.
  1. `National   Affiliation Fee’ shall mean a share of expenses of YWCA of India payable by member associations.
  1. ‘National Board’ shall mean the Board of Management of YWCA of India.
  1. Nominating Committee’ shall mean the Committee of the YWCA ________________________________elected at the Annual General Body Meeting to conduct the elections of the Board of Management and the Nominating Committee and fill vacancies in elected positions.
  1. ‘National Executive Committee’ shall mean the Committee of the Board of Management of the YWCA of India constituted in accordance with the Constitution.
  1. ‘Officers’ shall mean members of the Board of Management elected for specific roles and responsibilities of the Association and its programmes.
  1. ‘President’ shall mean the elected head of the Association.
  1. ‘Quadrennium’ shall mean, the period between two regular National Conventions.
  1. ‘Quorum’ shall mean the minimum number of members that must be present to make the proceedings of a meeting valid.
  1. ‘Register of Members’ shall mean the ledger containing the list and details of Members.
  1. ‘Reserved Matters’ shall mean specific administrative and financial matters.
  1. ‘Recording Secretary’ shall mean the officer of the Board of Management who is responsible to record the proceedings of the meetings.
  1. ‘Supporter’ shall mean a person who supports the work of the YWCA or one who uses or has access to the services of the YWCA.
  1. ‘Secretary’ shall mean the General/Honorary Secretary of the Association.
  1. ‘Society’ shall mean the “YWCA of ________________________” which is an autonomous body incorporated as a society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860/Charities Commissioner.
xxvii.          ‘Treasurer’ shall mean the elected officer of the Association reporting to the Board of Management and the General Body on financial matters.
  1. ‘Vice President’ shall mean the officer of the Association elected to assist the President in her duties.
  1. ‘World Support ‘ shall mean a share of expenses of the World YWCA payable by member associations through the YWCA of India.
  1. ‘World YWCA’ shall mean the global body of Young Women’s Christian Association to which the YWCA of India is affiliated.
  1. ‘YWCA’ shall mean the Young Women’s Christian Association.
  1. ‘Membership Year’ shall mean the period commencing from 1st April and ending on 31st  March of  each year.


The name of the organization shall be the YWCA of ___________________________ and its registered office shall be in __________________________________________________.


Faith in God the Father Almighty and Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord and Saviour and in the Holy Spirit.

ARTICLE  III:  AIM            

a)       To organize, develop and unite members who are working in accordance with the Basis and principles as stated in the Preamble above.

b)      To promote the full development of women and girls irrespective of class, culture, caste, creed and faith.

c)      To empower women to work for the removal of all forms of discrimination against them.

d)      To develop a membership that is responsive through service to the changing needs of the whole community.


a)      The YWCA of ______________________ shall be affiliated as Member of the YWCA of India and is therefore part of World YWCA.

b)     Application for Affiliation as Member Association shall be made to the YWCA of India through the National Vice President of the region and National Committee in the region.

c)      Member Association shall be granted the right to use the registered name and logo of the YWCA of India subject to fulfilling standards and prerequisites of the YWCA of India Constitution.

d)      A certificate of membership under the seal of YWCA of India shall be issued to the YWCA of _________________________________on being affiliated/ accredited/ recognized as Group in Formation and its status will be reviewed at each National Convention.

e)      The Association shall use the membership form approved by the YWCA of India for the enrolment of its members.


a) Affiliated Association shall:

  • Have a membership of not less than fifty (50) women. Two thirds (66%) of these shall be electoral members.
  • Have been in continuous active existence as an accredited association for not less than three (3) years.
  • Be required to show continuous progress with focused sustainable programmes and increase in membership. Ten percent (10%) of the membership shall be young women between the age of eighteen to thirty (18 to 30 ) years.

b) Accredited Association shall:

  • Be an organized group with a membership of not less than twenty five (25) members of which two-thirds shall be electoral.
  • Function in a place where no affiliated association exists within the limits of the particular municipality, panchayat, town or city.
  • Give evidence of its continuous active existence for not less than two years (2) for meeting the criteria laid down for affiliated associations.
  • Be required to show progress with focused sustainable programmes   and increase in membership.
  • Give an undertaking to fulfil the conditions of affiliation within a period of three (3) years from the date of application.
1.    Members:

a) Electoral Members:

Those women of eighteen(18) years of age or above who subscribe to the Basis and accept the Aim of YWCA of India, pay their annual membership fee as prescribed by the Board of Management shall be enrolled as electoral members and shall be entitled to vote and stand for elections in the  YWCA of ________________________________.

b) Associate Members:

Those women of eighteen (18) years of or above who are in sympathy with the Aim but do not subscribe to the Christian Basis as stated in Article II, pay their annual membership fee as prescribed by the Board of Management may be enrolled as associate members without the right to vote, nominate or stand for elections to the Board of Management or Nominating committee.

c)   Junior Members:

Any girl between eight and seventeen (8 and 17 years) of age who wishes to join the YWCA of _______________________________ may become a Junior member.

2. Supporters:


a)      Any person interested in supporting the activities of the organization.

b)     Any person availing the facilities of the Association, viz, residents, guests, participants of programmes, employees etc., may become a Supporter.

3. Membership Fees:

a)      Shall be payable annually from April 1st of each year.

b)     For all categories of members shall be as formulated by the Membership Committee and approved by the Board of Management from time to time.

c)      For continuity of membership, members shall pay fees on or before 30th June of the current financial year.

The Board of Management shall have the power to increase, decrease or vary the amount of annual subscription from time to time.

4. Register Of Members:

The YWCA of __________________________ shall maintain a Register of Members containing the following:

a)      The names, addresses and other relevant particulars of all the Members of the YWCA from the date on which such persons have been accepted as Members.

b)     All changes taking place in the membership from time to time.

c)      Such other information as is relevant and for which decision is taken by the   Board of Management from time to time.

5. Termination or Cessation of Membership:

i)       A Member shall cease to be a member of the YWCA of______________  in any of the following circumstances:

a)      On her demise.

b)     On her written resignation and acceptance thereof.

c)      If she fails to pay the membership fee within three (3) months from the due date i.e., 1st of April, unless an extension is granted by the Board of Management.

d)     If adjudicated by any court of law to be a criminal offender/proclaimed offender or of unsound mind.

e)     If found guilty of anti propaganda in relation to the Aim and Basis of the YWCA.

f)       If found guilty of misappropriation /embezzlement of funds of the YWCA

g)      If she disregards the rules or policies of the YWCA.

h)     In case the YWCA of ______________________ is dissolved or disaffiliated by the YWCA of India.

ii)      If the Board of Management finds that any Member has been guilty of any conduct likely to reflect detrimentally on the YWCA   or found guilty of breach of 5 i) d) / 5 i) e) / 5 i) f) / 5 i) g), the Board of Management may request such Member to resign within one (1) month. After such request, if the Member fails or refuses to do so, the Board of Management after giving her fifteen (15) days notice to be heard, convene a meeting and   terminate her membership. Such decision shall be passed with the approval of seventy per cent (70%) of the Board of Management.

iii)    The decision of the Board of Management regarding the termination from the membership of the Association shall be communicated to the member concerned.

iv)    Any appeals against expulsion of the member shall be referred to the Board of Management of the YWCA of_____________________________ within fifteen (15) days.

v)      The decision of the Board of Management shall be final.

6. Re-Admission:

a)      In case any Member of the YWCA of __________ is expelled by the Board of Management on the reasons of non-payment of the annual membership fee, she can be readmitted, provided the Member concerned pays all dues up-to-date with the permission of the Board of Management. However the payment of dues shall not give continuity to the member.

b)     Any Member who is expelled under 5 i) d) / 5 i) e) / 5 i) f) / 5 i) g) herein above shall not be entitled for re-admission as a Member.

7.      Rights and Privileges of Members:

i)       Every Member of the YWCA of __________________________________:

a)      Shall have the right to give their considered views/opinion to at the Annual General Body meeting, which may help in the furtherance of the objectives of the YWCA and its smooth functioning.

b)     Shall have the right to receive information and exchange of information of mutual interest.

c)      Shall have a right to obtain any information concerning the affairs of the YWCA, after giving seven (7) days’ notice.

d)     Shall have the right to attend the Annual General Body meeting, provided there are no outstanding dues against her and she has not been debarred by any decision of the Board of Management.

e)     Shall have the right to introduce or second any resolution or vote in favour of or against any resolution in the Annual General Body meeting with permission of the President only, in case she has voting rights.

f)       Shall be entitled to inspect the records of the YWCA with the prior approval of the General Body.

g)      Shall have the right to collect the identity card and membership certificate after depositing the required/prescribed fee fixed by the Board of Management from time to time.

h)     Shall enjoy all facilities provided by the YWCA.

i)       Shall be entitled to challenge any irregularity in the accounts and other records of the YWCA and can refer it to the Board of Management.

ii) Every Electoral Member who has completed one year in the YWCA:

a)      Shall have the right to vote and stand for elections in the Association.

b)      Shall be entitled to contest election for any post of the Board of Management and Nominating Committee if eligible to stand for the post and shall not be in default of membership fees.

c)      Shall have the right to vote at the Annual General Body meeting and to participate in the elections of the Board of Management and Nominating Committee, if not in default of membership fees.

8.      Duties of the Members:

a)      Members of the YWCA of __________________________ shall be responsible to uphold the heritage and standards of YWCA and promote its National and International relationships.

b)     Members shall not by any word, deed or implication act contrary to the ideals of service, love and fellowship of the association, or cause disrepute to the Association.

c)      Members shall not publish or cause to be published the internal affairs of the Association.

d)     Members shall not indulge in activities which are prejudicial to the Aim and Basis and/or the Rules.

e)     Members are required to attend the Annual General Body meetings regularly.

f)       Members shall promptly inform the General Secretary of any change in address, email, telephone number and other details for entering the same in the Membership Register.

g)       Members shall resort to the grievance redressal mechanism provided in the Constitution before involving the Association in litigation.

1.      Regular Meetings

       i.           Public Meeting

A Public meeting may be held once a year at which a report of the working of the   Association can be presented.

      ii.          Programme Meetings:

                 i.          Programme Meetings shall be held regularly for fellowship and for other activities which promote the aims and programmes of the Association.

ii.          Soon after the elections, a meeting shall be held every year for orientation of the members and the Board members.

iii.          Relevant decisions of the Board may be communicated to the members at the programme meetings.

    iii.           Annual General Body Meeting:

Annual General Body Meeting of the Association shall be held once every year on or before the 30th of September each year.

The Annual General Body Meeting shall be presided by the President of the YWCA. In her absence, the Vice-President shall preside.

The Annual General Body Meeting shall among other things transact the following business:

i.        To confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Body Meeting and Special General Body Meeting or Extraordinary General Body Meeting held during the year.

ii.        To receive and adopt the annual report and audited statement of accounts.

iii.        To approve the reports of the sub committees.

iv.        To present the broad outlines of policy and programmes.

v.        To appoint auditor/auditors and fix the Remuneration.

vi.        To consider and pass the budget for the next year.

vii.        To consider any matter or resolution brought before it by the Board of Management for which not less than twenty one (21) days prior notice is given.

viii.        viii. To adopt the report of the Nominating Committee regarding filling of vacancies and elections of the officers, Board of Management and the Nominating Committee.


All Members on the Membership Register on the day the notice is despatched and who are not
disqualified by any prior resolution of the Board of Management and  are not in arrears at the time of meeting are eligible to attend the Annual General Body Meeting


Twenty one (21) days’ notice for Annual General Body Meeting stating clearly the matters to be considered shall be sent to all members on the membership list.


Thirty per cent (30 %) of the electoral members.

  Adjourned Meetings for want of Quorum:

If within half an hour fixed for the commencement of any meeting the requisite quorum is not present, it shall automatically stand adjourned to be held at the same day after half an hour or at the same time and place on the following day.  For such adjourned meeting, the quorum shall be at least Seventy Five per cent (75%) of the requisite quorum.

2.      Special Meetings:

i)       Special General Body Meetings:

Special General Body Meeting shall be called by the President at the written request of sixty percent (60%) of the elected members of the Board of Management or at the written request of twenty five percent (25%) of the electoral members of the Association on existing membership rolls, failing which the Board of Management may call the meeting.


All Members on the Membership Register on the day the notice is despatched and who are not disqualified by any prior resolution of the Board of Management and are not in arrears at the time of meeting are eligible to attend the Special General Body Meeting.


Fifteen (15) days’ notice stating clearly the matters to be considered shall be given to all eligible members.  No business other than the matters specified in the notice shall be transacted in such a meeting.


Thirty per cent (30%) of the eligible members. In the event the quorum is not present the meeting shall stand cancelled.

ii)     Extraordinary General Body Meetings:

Extraordinary General Body meeting shall be convened by the President as and when the Board of Management deems it necessary and urgent or at the written request of twenty five percent (25%) of the electoral members of the Association on existing membership rolls. Such a meeting shall be called within seven days of the receipt of requisition.


All Members on the Membership Register on the day the notice is despatched and who are not disqualified by any prior resolution of the Board of Management and are not in arrears at the time of meeting are eligible to attend the Extraordinary General Body Meeting.


Minimum of forty eight (48) hours notice stating clearly the matters to be considered shall be given to all eligible members by e-mail/ post or such other modes.  No business other than the matters specified in the notice shall be transacted in such a meeting.


Thirty per cent (30%) of the eligible members. In the event the quorum is not present the meeting shall stand cancelled.


I.        Board of Management:

In the interval between the Annual General Body Meetings, the management of the YWCA shall be vested in the Board of Management.

a)       The Board of Management shall not be less than five(5) and not more than fifteen(15) Elected members  and not less than two (2) and not more than  three (3) co-opted members.

b)     Thirty per cent (30%) of the members of the Board shall be in age group of 18 to 30 years. If the above mentioned Thirty per cent (30%) of the members are not elected/ co-opted, their positions shall remain vacant.

II.        Eligibility: Members of the Board of Management shall be elected from among the electoral members of the Association. They shall have been members of the Association for not less than one year and shall have been involved in the work of the Association.

III.     The Board of Management shall have all the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the YWCA of _____________________and shall act in the manner prescribed under the Constitution.

IV.     The persons elected to the Board of Management shall not be entitled to any remuneration except reimbursement of out of pocket expenses.

2. Officers:

a)      The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President/s, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Recording Secretary. The officers shall be elected by ballot from among the electoral membership from the list prepared by the Nominating Committee and shall serve as office-bearers of the Board of Management. They shall hold office for one year or until their successors have been elected.

b)     The General Secretary shall not be an elected member but is an Executive Officer of the Board of Management responsible to provide  professional expertise and leadership


1.      Regular Meetings:

The Board of Management shall hold regular meetings which shall not be less than six (6) in a year at a date and time convenient to the members of the Board.

1)     The order of procedure shall be as follows:

a)      Devotions

b)     Apologies

c)      Minutes of the previous meeting

d)     Business Arising

e)     Reports of the Treasurer and General Secretary

f)       Correspondence and information from National YWCA/ World YWCA

g)      Report of Committees

h)     New Business

i)       Reserved Matters

The Board of Management at its meeting shall list out reserved matters for discussion and adoption. The Reserved Matters shall comprise the following:

i)       Amendments in the Constitution of the YWCA of_____________________________.

ii)      Appointment or change of the Auditor.

iii)    Fund raising.

iv)    Receipt of grants/ loan/assistance.

v)      Expulsion of a Member.

vi)    Any issue relating to Intellectual Property Rights involving the YWCA

vii)   Any issue relating to the funds of the YWCA of ____________________________.

viii) Dissolution of the Society.

j)       Any other Business.

k)        Date of next Board meeting.

l)       Closing.

2)     Notice of Board meeting:

Minimum  seven  (7) days’ notice or any such period as decided by the Board of Management shall be required for calling the Board meeting, enclosing the agenda and specifying date, time and place of the meeting.

3)     Proceedings at Board of Management Meetings:

a)      No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Board of Management unless a quorum of Members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business.

b)     If the President of the YWCA of_____________________ is not present at the time appointed for holding the meeting, or is unable to attend or preside over the meeting, the Vice President shall preside over the meeting.

c)      The person presiding over the meeting shall decide on the admissibility of any question or proposition, and shall disallow the same, if in her opinion, it contravenes the Constitutional requirements and her decision shall be final.

d)     The President may adjourn the meeting or change the location of the meeting with the consent of at least seventy per cent (70%) of the Board members present at the Board meeting.

e)     All decisions shall be taken by simple majority of votes of the Board Members.  In the event of a tie, the Presiding Officer of the meeting shall have the casting vote.

4)     Quorum:

Fifty percent (50%) members of the Board of Management shall constitute the quorum.

5)     Adjourned Meetings for want of Quorum:

If within half an hour fixed for the commencement of the meeting the requisite quorum is not present, it shall stand adjourned to be reconvened after half an hour or held the next day at the same time and place. For such adjourned meeting, the quorum shall be at least seventy five per cent (75%) of the requisite quorum.

No Reserved Matters shall be deemed to have been passed without the affirmative vote of seventy per cent (70%) of all the Board members.

6)     Attendance:

Meeting of the Board of Management shall be attended by its Members, the General Secretary and by such persons as may be invited by the President.

7)     Absence from meetings:

Absence from three regular meetings in succession for which no sufficient reason in writing either by post/fax/email is provided, shall after due notification be considered equal to resignation, and that place of the Board Member shall be considered vacant.

8)     Responsibility for Convening Meetings:

The Board of Management shall make arrangements for the regular and special meetings of the association.

2.      Special Meetings of the Board of Management:

Special meetings of the Board of Management shall be called by the President.

The President shall call the meeting at the written request of fifty percent (50%) of the elected Board members failing which the Executive Committee shall call the meeting. The notice of the meeting shall state clearly the matters to be considered and no other business shall be transacted at this meeting.


(1)   Executive Committee:

It shall be composed of Officers of the Board of Management and Chairpersons of the Personnel and Finance committee. The General Secretary shall be the ex-officio member.

(2)   Nominating Committee and its Functions:

1.  The Nominating Committee which is a Standing Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than seven (7) members, depending on the size of the membership of the Association. One of the members of the Committee except the Chairperson shall be from the Board of Management.

a)      All members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual election. They shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected.  However for continuity one member of the nominating committee shall be elected for a term of two years.

b)     All members shall be eligible for re-election after a gap of one year.

c)      A member of the Nominating Committee is not eligible to be a candidate for the elections which the committee is conducting. They are however eligible to vote and nominate candidates.

2.      Quorum of the Committee is three (3) and where there are seven (7) members in the committee, the quorum shall be five.

3.      Functions:

a)      In consultation with the existing leadership and membership, it will keep itself informed of the potential leadership in the Association, call for nominations and prepare a list of candidates qualified for leadership in the Association and representing all sections of the membership.

b)     Conduct annual election of officers, members of the Board of Management and Nominating Committee as contained in the Bye laws.

c)      The Committee shall recommend candidates for filling vacancies in the Board of Management.

d)     The Board of Management shall fill the vacancy from among the names recommended by the Nominating Committee.

e)     Vacancies within Nominating Committee shall be filled by the Nominating Committee itself.

f)       In case of resignation of the entire Nominating Committee, the Board of Management shall call for an Extraordinary General Body meeting to appoint an Ad-hoc Committee from the membership to conduct the ensuing election.


a)       The General Body in its annual meeting will elect every year, the Officers, Board of Management and the Nominating Committee.

b)     The election shall be held   through secret ballot.

c)      Annual elections shall be held at the earliest after the close of the financial year but in no case later than 30th September. The Nominating Committee is responsible to conduct the elections as per the Byelaw.

d)     To be eligible to stand and vote at elections, electoral members shall have renewed their membership on or before 30th June of the current financial year.

e)     Election shall be held on or before the date of the Annual General Body Meeting.

f)       Annual Election if not held during the specified period due to unforeseen circumstances, will require a resolution to be adopted by the General Body of the YWCA of ______________________ and approval from the National Board prior to the 30th of September.

g)      The Board of Management may invite a National Nominating Committee member(s) as observer(s) to ensure transparency and free and fair elections.


1)     Term of Office

a)      A member of the Board of Management shall be elected for one term of two years.

b)     A member shall be eligible to be elected to the Board of Management as Board member for a maximum of two terms of two years each.

c)      A member shall not be eligible for any elected position in the association after two consecutive terms   of elected tenure.

d)     A member shall be eligible for re-election after a break of one term (ie, two years). However, they shall continue to be members of the Board/ Nominating committee till their successors are chosen.

e)     An associate member shall be eligible for being co-opted each year upto a maximum of two successive years.  However, she shall be eligible for co-option after a break of one year.

f)       The tenure of officers shall be three years provided they are elected annually to the respective offices. They shall be eligible for re-election after the lapse of one term of two years.

g)      To ensure continuity one half of the Board of Management shall be elected for one year and the other half for two years. Thereafter, one half of the full number shall be elected for two years.

2)     Filling of Vacancies

a)      Any vacancy in the Board of Management shall be filled in consultation with the Nominating Committee from amongst the Electoral Members of the YWCA of__________________________, provided that the term of office of any such newly appointed Member in the vacancy shall be until the next elections.

b)     If any vacancy occurs in the Nominating Committee the vacancy shall be filled up by the Nominating Committee itself by nominating any other electoral members

c)      A member filling such a vacancy   shall be deemed to have served one year if she has served for more than six months.


1)     Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, the Board of Management shall have the following powers:

a)      To prepare and execute detailed plans and programmes for the work of the YWCA of_______________________ and carry on its administration and management.

b)     To receive grants and contributions and to be the custodian of the funds of the YWCA.

c)      To prepare the budget estimates of the YWCA for each year, and to sanction the expenditure within the limits of the budget.

d)     To ensure preparation and maintenance of accounts and other relevant records and annual statement of accounts including the balance sheet of the YWCA.

e)     To open and operate bank accounts.

f)       To approve the work, programme and activities   of the YWCA and periodically monitor the same.

g)      To fill vacancies which may occur in elective positions, upon recommendations by the Nominating Committee to serve till the next election.

h)     To appoint or employ, temporarily or permanently, any person or persons that may be required for the purposes of the YWCA and to pay them wages, salaries , other remunerations and allow them suitable perquisites,  benefits of provident fund, pension, gratuity and other facilities as per the personnel policy.

i)       To enter into agreements/arrangements for and on behalf of the YWCA.

j)       To sue and defend all legal proceedings on behalf of the YWCA.

k)      To appoint committee(s) or sub-committee(s), task force comprising of its members and/or staff of the YWCA for the disposal of any business of the Association or to take up any special activity on behalf of the Board and delegate to it such powers as considered necessary. All such committees, sub-committees, task force shall report to the Board of Management.

l)       To delegate to such extent as it may deem necessary, any of its powers to any officer or committee of the Board of Management.

m)    To consider and pass such resolutions on the annual report, the annual accounts and the financial estimates of the YWCA as it deems fit.

n)     To make, enforce, adopt, amend, vary or rescind from time to time rules and bye-laws for the management and administration of the affairs of the YWCA for the furtherance of its objectives, provided any changes in the Constitution and the Bye-laws are approved by the YWCA of India.

o)     To borrow or to obtain loan for any amount as it may deem fit and necessary from any bank, financial institutions or corporation.

p)     To secure such loan through collateral /mortgage of any movable or immovable properties of the YWCA and by a Resolution seek approval of the National Board.

q)     To authorize the President to apply, execute and deliver such loan documents to bank/ financial institution /corporation on approved terms and conditions on behalf of the YWCA.

r)      To enter into agreement/arrangement upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board of Management  may deem desirable for undertaking activities, programmes or projects jointly with any  association, society, institution or company having objects similar to those of the Association.

s)      The Board of Management shall abide by the policy related or special directives of the YWCA of India on any matter essential to achieving the objectives of YWCA of ______________________ conveyed to it in writing.

t)      To perform additional functions and to carry out such duties as may from time to time be assigned to it by the YWCA of_________________________.

2)     Duties of Officers


i)       The President shall be accountable to the Board of Management and the Association.

ii)      She, in consultation with the Board of Management shall have the power to give direction and manage the affairs relating to YWCA of_______________________.

iii)    She shall preside over the meetings of the Board of Management and the General Body meetings.

iv)    At the time of voting on any matter/subject (except election) if the total votes happen to be equal in number, she shall exercise her casting vote.

v)      She shall have the power to allow inclusion of any subject/matter in the agenda for the discussion in the course of Board / General Body meeting.

vi)    She shall ensure compliance of all statutory and Constitutional requirements.

vii)    She shall, with the General Secretary, sign contracts on behalf of the YWCA of _________________________with the approval of the Board of Management.

viii) The President shall not sign any cheques on behalf of the YWCA.


i)       The Vice President of the YWCA shall perform all the duties of the President in her absence in addition to those delegated to her.

ii)      In the event the post of the President falls vacant, the Vice president shall be the acting President till the next election.


The Treasurer shall:

(i)     Have charge of the funds of the Association, and shall secure the deposit of the funds in the name of the Association in the Bank/s designated by the Board of Management.

(ii)    Present to the Board of Management at each regular meeting a statement of income and expenditure for the month.

(iii)  Pay the bills of the Association by cheque upon certification of the account by the Chairperson of the appropriate Committees.

(iv)  Along with the Finance Committee shall be responsible for the adoption of approved methods of accounting.

(v)    At the close of the financial year, see that the books are examined and approved by the auditor appointed by the General Body and a certified financial statement is presented at the Annual General Body Meeting.

(vi)  Be ex-officio member of the Finance Committee.

(vii) In the absence of the General Secretary/Honorary Secretary, along with the President sign leases and other contracts of the Association.


The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in discharging her duties.

In the event the post of the Treasurer falls vacant, the Assistant Treasurer shall be the acting Treasurer till the next election.


The Recording Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Board, Executive Committee and General Body Meetings and with the help of the General Secretary ensure accurate and proper Minutes of all meetings.


a)      The General Secretary shall be appointed by the Board of Management of the Association and information sent to the National Board of the YWCA of India within one month of the appointment.

However, under extraordinary circumstances if an Honorary Secretary is to be appointed, prior permission of the National Board must be obtained.

b)     The General Secretary of the YWCA of _____________________ shall be the Administrative Head of the Association and ex-officio member of the Committees of the YWCA of ______________________ and of the Board of Management, except the Nominating Committee. She may attend the Nominating Committee’s meeting on invitation by the Nominating Committee as and when necessary.

c)      The General /Honorary Secretary  shall be accountable to Board of Management  for all day-to-day activities relating to the proper management, maintenance and upkeep of the YWCA of_________________________ and:

(i)     Will convene meetings of the Board of Management and Annual General Body meeting whenever called upon to do so by the President.

(ii)    Look after the administration and other affairs and attend to all correspondence related with the YWCA work.

(iii)  Attend the meetings of the Board of Management and the Annual General Body meeting and give effect to the directions and decisions taken at such meetings.

(iv)  Ensure that all dues towards the YWCA are collected and proper accounts are maintained of all financial transactions relating to the YWCA of _______________________.

(v)    Will be the primary signatory for all cheques and official documents of the YWCA.

(vi)  Manage, and direct the staff, and take disciplinary action where necessary.

(vii) Institute, prosecute and defend suits and other proceedings on behalf of the YWCA.

(viii)                    Prepare the annual report, and financial statement of accounts under the guidance of the Board of Management.

(ix)    Perform all such duties as are incidental to the office of General/Honorary Secretary.

(x)    Shall maintain an imprest cash amount for incidental expenses.


a)      The professional leadership of the YWCA of _______________________ shall be entrusted to the General Secretary.

b)     Each staff member of the YWCA of _______________________ shall be ex-officio member of the Committee for which she has professional responsibilities as defined in her letter of appointment.

c)      Professional staff shall be appointed by the Board of Management on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee.

d)     An existing staff member cannot become a member of the Association. However, a staff member may become a member in a YWCA from the date of completion of her services with the YWCA provided her services had not been terminated by the YWCA on grounds of misconduct or mismanagement.


a)      The Board of Management may form branches and/or sub-committees within the Municipal areas to achieve the aims and objectives of the YWCA.

b)     It may develop or discontinue these branches according to its judgment after consultation with the Branch Committee.

c)      The YWCA of _______________________ through its Board of Management may organise such departments as may be desirable and appropriate for effective administration. Each department shall be administered by the Board through a Committee of the Board and appropriate members of the professional staff. The Board may discontinue the department according to its judgment in consultation with the concerned committee.


1. Funds of the YWCA OF_______________________

The  YWCA of _______________________shall raise funds as follows:

a)      Membership Fees.

b)     Revenue generated by the YWCA out of its own assets, its activities and investments.

c)      Grants/Loans/Donations/Funds received from Government and donations and contributions from other sources, subject to the prior consent of the Board of Management and shall be in compliance with all statutory regulations.

d)     All the income and funds of the Association received from all sources shall be utilized only for the promotion and uplift of the aims and objectives of the YWCA of_______________________.

2. Management of Funds & Accounts Operation

a)      The YWCA of _______________________ shall prepare and maintain detailed account of expenditure and receipts.

b)     All cheques, bills of exchange and other similar documents shall be drawn in the name of and on behalf of the YWCA of _______________________and signed by the General/Honorary Secretary and the Treasurer/ Assistant Treasurer / Chairperson of the Finance Committee. The amounts shall be kept in the bank(s) as approved by the Board of Management and the bank accounts shall be operated by the   General/Honorary Secretary and the Treasurer and or Finance Chairperson.

3. Audit

a)        The financial year of the YWCA shall be from 1st April to the 31st March.

b)        The accounts of the YWCA of _____________________________shall be audited by the statutory auditor appointed by the General Body of the Association every year. Audited statements of Accounts shall be submitted to the YWCA of India, annually.

c)         The Audited Accounts shall be filed in the office of the Registrar of Societies, ________________________ within fourteen (14) days after the date of the Annual General meeting of the YWCA where such accounts are passed and adopted by the membership.

4.  Annual Report

a)      The Board of Management shall submit a report on the working of the Society annually at the Annual General Body meeting and send a copy to the YWCA of India. Such report shall contain particulars regarding the work of the YWCA during the previous year.

b)     A copy of the last financial statement and the report of the Auditor shall be in part of the Annual Report of the YWCA of_______________________.

5. Books And Accounts

a)      All bank accounts, deposits and other investments shall be opened, kept and made in the name of the YWCA of ________________________.

b)     The YWCA of_______________________ shall  maintain  at its official registered address  proper books of account with respect to:

i.          All income and expenditure accounts and the purpose for which the receipt and expenditure has taken place.

ii.          All sales and purchase of goods by the YWCA

iii.          The assets and liabilities of the YWCA.

6. List Of Members of the Board of Management

A list of the Office-bearers and the Executive Members of the Board of Management shall be filed in the office of the Registrar of Societies/ Charities Commissioner within fourteen (14) days after the date on which the Annual General Body Meeting of the YWCA is held.


a)      Title to the immovable property of the YWCA of_______________________ shall be vested in the Board of Management who shall have the power to sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise deal with the same, subject to the approval of the National Board.

b)     The Board of Management shall hold all trust funds of the YWCA of _______________________ using the income therefrom for the purposes for which they are held.

c)      A true and attested copy of the deeds of all properties acquired /sold or leased by the Association shall be filed with the National Board.

d)     All conveyance deeds, mortgages, leases and other instruments related to property of the Association and all contracts in writing shall be signed by the President and the General Secretary/Honorary Secretary. In the absence of the President, the Vice President and Treasurer shall be authorised to sign on behalf of the Association pursuant to a Resolution of the Board of Management.

e)     In the event of the Association ceasing to function or found to be malfunctioning against the Constitution and Bye-laws of the Association, its movable and immovable properties shall pass over to the YWCA of India who shall hold it in trust.

f)       The  YWCA of India may accept property to be held under its name:

(i)     Of any dissolved member association and run the same as a National Project in accordance with the Constitution of YWCA of India.

(ii)    Of any disaffiliated or superseded Association and run the same as a National Project or transfer to another member association.


a)      Unless the Board of Management shall otherwise determine, all suits and other legal proceedings by or against the YWCA of________________________ shall be instituted or defended in the name of its General Secretary or such other person authorised by a resolution of the Board of Management at the time of the commencement of such proceedings. The YWCA of _________________________ shall pay all costs and expenses which may be incurred in such proceedings and indemnify the person against all liabilities in whose name the suit is being instituted or defended.

b)     The Board of Management may appoint any person as the constituted attorney of the YWCA of _________________________for any purpose(s).


1.      Accountability and Requirements of Affiliated and Accredited Associations

Any Association subject to fulfilling and maintaining the requirements set forth below shall be recognized and continue to hold the status of an Affiliated/Accredited Association of the YWCA of India.

a)      Each member Association shall accept to abide by the Constitution of YWCA of India in writing within one year of the National Convention.

b)     Shall sign a memorandum of Understanding to function under the Constitution of the YWCA of India.

c)      Shall abide and continue to fulfil and maintain standards and requisites of the Constitution irrespective of whether the association was formed before or after the YWCA of India.

d)     Shall have a Constitution of its own based on the Constitution provided by the YWCA of India and shall file the official dated copy of its Constitution and Bye – Laws with the Board of Management of the YWCA of India and secure its endorsement within one year from the date of the National Convention.

e)     Shall have the words Young Women’s Christian Association of _______________________followed by the geographical name denoting its location.

f)       Shall have programmes catering for a wide variety of interests of women and girls focused specifically on education, health, poverty alleviation, employment and prevention of violence and discrimination.

g)      Shall  on or before the 30th of September  submit to the YWCA of India:

(i)     Annual report for the previous financial year April-March

(ii)    Audited accounts for the previous financial year April-March

(iii)  Membership list with the names, addresses, contact details, status of the members’ date of renewal and receipt numbers.

(iv)  Affiliation fee and World Support of the current financial year.

2. Penalty For Non-Compliance

a)          In the event the association fails to pay the Annual National Affiliation fee and World Support or submit the Annual Reports, Audited statement of accounts and membership lists within one month of the due date, i.e. 30th September, the YWCA of India shall issue a notice of the default to the association.

b)          The YWCA of India at its discretion shall permit the association to set right the fault/s within two months of the issue of the notice.

c)          In the event that such association is in default for the first time in any year during the Quadrennium, strict financial penalty shall be levied on each failed document amounting to a minimum sum of Rs 1000/- for each document, increasing based on the importance of such document and the year of such submission.

d)          In the event that the Association continues to fail in compliance after the first year, the right to participate in any National YWCA training or National Convention including the right to vote or nominate candidates for National Election shall stand withdrawn.

e)          However in the event of a regional or national disaster/ war/ pandemic, the association(s) so affected may apply for extension or waiver of the requirements as  stated in Article IV6iv of the National Constitution , the National Executive may, after due Consideration  grant the same in full or in part without inviting disaffiliation procedure to be initiated against it.

3. Directives from the YWCA of India

 The YWCA of India may, from time to time issue such directives as it may consider necessary in regard to the finance, conduct of business and affairs of the YWCA and in like manner may vary such directives. The YWCA of_______________________ shall give immediate effect to the directives so issued.

Provided, that all directives issued by the YWCA of India shall be in writing addressed to the President of the YWCA of_______________________. The Board of Management of the YWCA of_______________________ shall incorporate the contents of directives issued by the YWCA of India in the annual report of the YWCA and also indicate its impact on the financial position and the work of the Association.

4. Governance

Subject to provisions contained above, and the other obligations arising under the Constitution, every Affiliated/Accredited Association of the YWCA of India shall be governed by its own Constitution. .

On being granted accreditation / affiliation, the YWCA of_______________________________ shall register itself under the Statutory Law of the State. However, it shall remain accountable to the YWCA of India.


A YWCA after due approval and endorsement of the National Board may be dissolved by a resolution of its General Body convened for the purpose by three-fourths (75 %) of its total members on rolls, voting for the same.

a)      The time of dissolution and the method of disposal and settlement of its property and claims and liabilities shall also be determined after obtaining necessary approval from the National Board.

b)     If upon the dissolution  there remains any assets, after  satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities,  the same shall not be paid  or distributed among the members of the Association, but shall pass to YWCA of India.

c)      Where a non-member, including any government is a contributor to, or has entered into an agreement with the Association requiring its presence, an invitation shall be sent by registered post at least twenty one days in advance, to provide an opportunity to such non-member to attend the meeting.

d)     Member Association having no active membership shall be dissolved by a resolution adopted by the National Board and submitted to statutory Authorities if found necessary.



Reconciliation & Arbitration:

a)      All disputes arising out of or in relation to any proceedings or decisions of the Board of management or any appointed bodies of the member associations including disputes if any regarding appointment or elections of persons to any post or office whether or not leading to disaffiliation or supersession, or disputes if any between members in an association, shall be brought to the National Regional Vice President, for reconciliation. The Vice President may involve the Regional Committee in the reconciliation process.

b)     If unresolved, it shall then be decided by the National Board of Arbitrators of the YWCA of India, appointed by the National Executive, in accordance with the provisions hereinafter contained.

c)      The National Board, at its first full meeting after Convention, shall ratify the appointment of three persons to form the National Board of Arbitrators of the YWCA of India. Any vacancy arising in the National Board of Arbitrators shall be filled by the National Board/National Executive of the YWCA of India.  A member of the National Board/ National Executive may also be appointed to the National Board of Arbitrators. The National Board shall also nominate two persons suggested by the parties to the dispute to the panel of Arbitrators who shall enter on its reference and proceed to decide the dispute.

d)     In all arbitration cases the YWCA of India shall be represented by its National President/National General Secretary and National Vice President of the region.

e)     Twenty five percent (25%) of electoral members of the associations affected by any proceedings or decision of the Board of Management of the associations and that of any other elected bodies of the Association or by any action pursuant thereto and disputing the propriety, legality and validity of the said proceedings or decision, may make a written complaint to the General Secretary  with a copy  to the  National  President of the YWCA of India within  thirty (30) days from the date of communication of the said proceedings, decision or action as the case may be. The complaint shall show in detail all relevant facts and grounds of objection to impugned proceedings, decisions or actions with supporting documents.

f)     75%of the Board of Management of the Association affected by the decision of the President or by any proceeding on her part without consulting with the Board  or  by any action pursuant thereto and disputing the propriety, legality and validity of the said proceedings or decision, may also make a written complaint to the National General Secretary with a copy to the National President of the YWCA of India within 30 days from the date of communication of the said proceedings, decision or action as the case may be. The complaint shall show in detail all relevant facts and grounds of objection to impugned proceedings, decisions or actions with supporting documents.

g)      That where the Association continues to fail compliance or brings disrepute to the name of the YWCA either by the Local Board /Nominating Committee/ any individual member of a Local Association affecting the values, mission and vision of the movement, the National Board of the YWCA of India shall be authorised to, in accordance with Article IV & V of the Constitution of YWCA of India, suo moto take actions as deemed fit to protect its name and image. Such extraordinary action may only require a representation of 15% of the local electoral membership or 51% of the Local Board of Management.

h)     Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the complaint, the National General Secretary of the YWCA of India shall provide copies of the complaint and all documents received by her from the complainant to the members of the National Board of Arbitrators.

i)       On receiving the complaint, the National Board of Arbitrators shall, initiate reconciliation proceedings; in the event of failure of such proceedings, within a period of thirty (30) days thereof, shall proceed to decide the dispute in accordance with the procedure of Arbitration, after giving reasonable opportunity to both parties for being heard.

j)       The National Board of Arbitrators shall give its decision in writing as soon as the hearing of the case is completed, within a period of thirty (30) days of the failure of the reconciliation proceedings, which shall be communicated to both parties. The decision of the Board of Arbitrators shall be conclusive and binding on all parties.

k)      All expenses incurred by the National Regional Committee/National Nominating Committee/and or the Board of Arbitrators as well as for Reconciliation and Arbitration proceedings shall be borne by the concerned Association.

l)       The place of Arbitration shall be where the registered office of the local YWCA is situated. Any litigation arising after completion of Arbitration proceedings shall be instituted in the Courts whose local jurisdiction is where such registered Office is situated and no other Court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any such suits or other legal proceedings.


1.      Powers:

a)     Suspension:

The National Executive Committee shall have the power to investigate and suspend the Management of member Associations including suspension of its committees in the event of any member Association being in default of arrears of National Affiliation Fee and World Support for more than a period of two years; irregularities in the elections or management of the affairs of the Association; disputes within the membership;, failure of maintaining requisite number of members;  or failure on part of the Association to comply with the YWCA of India Constitution and run the affairs of such an Association by appointing an Advisory Committee till such time the faults are rectified or till such time the National Executive deems fit. The Board of Management and all Officers of the Association concerned and its committees, shall be bound to make available and hand over all books of accounts, vouchers, bank statements and all other necessary documents to the National Executive or its nominees and give them all assistance for such investigation during the suspension period.


b)     Supersession:

In the event of any member Association acting in a manner prejudicial to the YWCA movement or mismanaging its affairs or failing to function effectively in accordance with its Constitution and Bye-laws relating to the management of its affairs, or wilfully acting in an arbitrary and autocratic manner by distancing itself from the National YWCA and by non- participation in its programme and   activities leaving sufficient scope for questioning  its transparency  and overall conduct, the National Executive shall have the power to supersede the management of the Association, in the larger interest of the YWCA Movement and the public good as a whole.

Provided that no such action of supersession shall be taken without giving the Association concerned a fifteen day notice to be heard. Provided further that in case such action is taken against a member Association, the National Board shall endeavour to restore the normal working of the member Association as early as possible and the period of supersession shall not in any case exceed three years.

c)      In event the Association fails to have the required membership numbers to be considered as a YWCA or for electing the Board of Management , the Association shall be taken over by the YWCA of India and run as a National Project after withdrawal of the status of a Registered Society through due notification to concerned authorities.

d)     The National Board shall have the power to ratify or modify the decision of the National Executive, provided that, the Association concerned may, within two months from the date of communication of the decision or action, appeal against it to the National Board.

e)     Upon Suspension or Supersession of the management of an Association as provided in Article XXI of the Constitution, the National Executive shall have the power to appoint a person as a Special Officer to manage the affairs of the Association.

2.      Special Officer

a)      The Special Officer so appointed shall, subject to the control of the National Executive and to such directions as may from time to time be given, have power to exercise all or any of the functions of the Advisory Committee and to take such action as may be required in the interest of the Association.

b)     The National Executive shall fix the remuneration payable to the Special Officer.

c)      All expenditure, administrative, legal and all other incidentals including the remuneration of the Special Officer incurred during the period of suspension or supersession by the YWCA of India shall be payable from the funds of the concerned Association.

d)     The National Executive Committee during the period of suspension or supersession shall carry the authority to audit the accounts of the Association, call for Annual meeting of the membership, appoint staff and meet with all statutory compliances through the Special Officer and Advisory  Committee appointed by it.


a)     Reasons for Disaffiliation:

Any member association which fails to meet the requirements of Article IV of the Constitution of YWCA of India or fails to show any progress on programme emphasis adopted at the Convention or maintain required standards for a period of four years consecutively without annually submitting adequate evidence or reason for it shall be disaffiliated after full investigation by the YWCA of India.

b)     Procedure for Disaffiliation:

On recommendation by the committee on Membership in the National Association (MINA), the National Board may after hearing, withdraw the affiliation status of such Association, provided three fourths (75%) of the Board of Management are in favour of such decision and fifteen (15)days’ notice in writing of the hearing thereon has been communicated to the concerned Board of Management of such Association.

c)      Consequences of Disaffiliation:

  1. Disaffiliated members shall cease to have the privilege of using the name, logo and insignia of the YWCA.
  2. All properties and assets of the disaffiliated association shall vest in the YWCA of India in trust.
  3. All rights, liabilities and obligations of the disaffiliated association whether arising out of any contract or otherwise shall vest in the YWCA of India.
  4. All proceedings pending before the disaffiliated Association shall stand transferred to the YWCA of India to the extent they relate to matters arising out of or pertaining to its affiliation with the YWCA of India.


The Intellectual Property Rights shall, at all times vest and be retained solely by the YWCA of_________________________________, except as may be decided by the Board of Management in consonance with the YWCA of India.



a)      The Board of Management of the YWCA of ________________________shall not propose or make any changes in Articles I, II, III, IV, V & XXV on its own accord.

b)     Amendments to the Constitution and Bye-Laws may be proposed by the YWCA of India or twenty five percent (25%) of the Board of Management of the YWCA of_______________________ in accordance with the legal or statutory requirements of the State Registrar of Societies.

c)      Amendments to the Constitution proposed by the Board of Management of the YWCA of_______________________ shall be approved and endorsed by the Board of Management of the YWCA of India.

d)     The Constitution with amendments shall be circulated to the members of the Association at least two (2) months before the date of the Special General Body Meeting called for the purpose of adoption of amendments.

e)     Any amendment made by the National Board in Articles I, II, III, IV and V of the YWCA of India Constitution shall be amended in the Constitution of the YWCA of   _______________________ at a Special General Body meeting shall require a circulation period of six (6) months before the date of the Special General Body Meeting called for the Purpose of adoption of amendments.

f)       An affirmative vote of three – fourths (75%) of the electoral members present shall be required for the adoption of the amendments in the Constitution.

g)      The quorum of the meeting shall be thirty per cent (30%) of the Electoral membership of the Association.

h)     No amendment shall be made at an adjourned meeting.

i)       The Constitution adopted through a Resolution passed by the General Body of the YWCA of ___________________________ shall be duly signed,  dated by the President and General Secretary and then be sent to the National Board for records


The YWCA of _______________________ shall adopt and adhere to a set of standards in line with the Action Plan decided at National Convention.

The MINA committee shall review such standards annually and these standards shall be reviewed at succeeding conventions.



The Board of Management shall have the right to appoint a Standards of Good Management and Accountability (SGMA), a Public Affairs and Social Issues (PASI), a Membership, a Programme, a Finance, a Personnel, a Participation and Involvement of Youth for Action (PIYA) and such other committees as are found necessary to carry on the work of the Association during its term.

(i)     The Board of management shall appoint Chairpersons of committees.

(ii)    The Chairpersons of Committees shall be members of the Board of Management.

(iii)  Co-opted members serving on the Board are also eligible to become Chairpersons of the Committees appointed by the Board of Management.

(iv)  The Chairpersons shall form their own committees from among the members.

(v)    Only one member other than the Chairperson shall be from the Board of Management.

a)     Advisory Committee:

There may be an Advisory Committee of not less than three (3) and not more than five ( 5) members, both men and women with relevant expertise, to advise the Board of Management on all matters relating to property,  funds and other business transactions of the Association.

The Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Management for a period of one year. The President and the General Secretary shall be the ex-officio members.

b)     Special Committee/Task Force:

Special Committee/Task Force of not less than three (3) members shall be appointed by the Board of Management for limited periods for services as may be required for specific studies or projects. The Board of Management shall appoint the Chairperson who shall serve till the completion of the project. The Chairpersons shall report to the Board of Management at its meetings on the progress of the Committee/Project/Task Force.

c)      Executive Committee:

Executive Committee may hold meetings for emergency actions only in the interim of regular meetings of the Board of Management and shall have all the powers of the Board. However, the Executive Committee shall not reverse any action of the Board or spend any money which has been declined by the Board. Action taken by the Executive Committee must be ratified by the Board of Management in its next meeting.

d)     Finance Committee:

The Finance Committee shall be a Standing committee of the YWCA of _______________________ and shall be chaired by an elected member of the Board of Management. The function of this Committee shall be:

(i)     To promote the financial interests of the Association.

(ii)    To provide for the Association’s participation in National and World Support.

(iii)  To correlate the budgets as presented by the committees and prepare and    submit to the Board of Management the total budget of the financial year, with such recommendations as seem wise.

(iv)  To see that the budget after its adoption by the Board of Management is adhered to by  all committees unless through subsequent action the Board of Management authorizes changes or increase in expenditure.

(v)    To adequately insure the properties of the Association.

(vi)  To monitor payment of the taxes and levies payable to Government and other statutory bodies in time.

(vii) Devise and put into execution plans for fund raising and development.

e)      Personnel Committee:

The Personnel Committee shall be a Standing committee of the YWCA of _______________________ and shall be chaired by an elected member of the Board of Management. Only one member other than the Chairperson shall be from the Board of Management.

The function of this Committee shall be:

1)     Conducting studies on the activities and programmes of the Association and assist the Board of Management to acquire the best professional leadership and staff according to the current needs of the Association.

2)     Formulating Personnel Policy based on the Personnel Policy of the YWCA of India  and recommending to the Board policies relating to standards and conditions of work for the personnel including:

(i)     Hours of work, rest days, holidays, vacations, leave of absence.

(ii)    Terms of employment, salaries, remuneration,  periodical review, retirement and other benefits.

(iii)  Scrutinising applications and interviewing candidates for appointment of staff and making recommendations to the Board.

(iv)  Reporting to the Board of Management regarding allocation of duties to the staff in relation to their ability, experience etc.

(v)    Evaluating the work of staff annually and sharing this evaluation with the staff members and advice the concerned staff.

f)      Standards of Good Management and Accountability (SGMA) Committee:

SGMA shall take into account the health of the association ensuring compliance of all the statutory requirements and standards of good governance in the YWCA. It calls for standards to be maintained in programmes. membership, communications, property and other assets, finances, staffing, personnel issues and all matters  relating to the institution which require good management , accountability and transparency. SGMA shall ensure that the association functions according to the constitutional requirements and standards of the YWCA movement.

g)      Membership Committee:

The Membership Committee shall develop an actively participative membership in the Association by:

(i)     Identifying women and girls in the community who are ready to assume responsibility as members because of their belief in the Aim of the Association;

(ii)    Categorising them as electoral, associate and junior members;.

(iii)  Bringing all the members to the main stream of the Association so that they will become part of its activities and satisfied of being a part of the world-wide movement of the YWCA.

(iv)  Orientation of new members.

(v)    Compiling and maintaining the membership register.

(vi)  Checking the membership register on a quarterly basis with reference to the receipts issued for payment of membership fee and notify the list of defaulters.

(vii) Preparing and handing over list of eligible members to the Nominating Committee for the conduct of elections.

h)     Programme Committee:

This Committee shall be responsible for:

(i)     Studying the needs of women in the community; planning and developing the best possible programme to meet such needs taking into consideration the facilities and budget available.

(ii)    Coordinating activities of different groups within the membership in such a way as to afford the maximum use of available time and existing leadership.

(iii)  Periodically evaluating the content and quality of programme of the Association.

(iv)  Planning a budget adequate to support the programme and administering it.

i)       Public Affairs And Social Issues Committee (PASI):

 The function of this Committee shall be :

(i)     To stimulate intelligent and responsible citizenship in individual members of the Association.

(ii)    To promote such education and action program to make the Association a social force through Faith driven Action and Advocacy.

(iii)  To study community conditions affecting women and girls and to stimulate action for their betterment.

(iv)  To be a resource for reliable information in the various realm of public affairs.

(v)    To be familiar with the purpose and programme of other organisations, concerned with the purpose and programme of other organisations, concerned with the various fields represented on the public affairs programme and to stimulate co-operative study and action on common interests.

(vi)  To recommend to the Board of Management appropriate action by the Association as a whole on public issues vital to women and girls.

j)       Fund Raising & Publicity Committee (FRAP):

The functions of the Publicity Committee shall be:

(i)     To co-operate with the various committees in presenting the purpose and programme of the Association to the Membership and the community through such means as newspapers, special printed material, posters etc.

(ii)    To devise and carry out plans of publicity for special events of the Association.

(iii)  To keep the public familiar with the National and International programme of the Association.

(iv)  To detect and counteract erroneous and unfair impressions of activities of the Association.

k)     Participation & Involvement of Youth in Action Committee (PIYA or YOUTH):

The YWCA of India is committed to advocate for women’s rights through the active participation and involvement of a diverse group of young women between the age of 18 to 30 years, who are potential leaders and committed to social action and transformation of society. The functions of this committee shall be:

(i)     To help the Association to prioritise and set guidelines to increase youth involvement.

(ii)    To strengthen collaboration and coordination between National and Local Associations on youth programmes and issues.

(iii)  To advise the YWCA on integrating youth participation in the development and implementation of its policies and programmes.

(iv)  To create new areas of involvement for young women.

(v)    To ensure the implementation of the National Young Women’s policy at the Local levels.

l)       Hostel or Residence Committee:

The functions of this committee shall be:

(i)     Planning for a residence which reflects the Aim and Basis of the YWCA.

(ii)    Maintaining high standards of conduct, cleanliness, sanitation, comfort and attractiveness in the hostel.

(iii)  Purchasing necessary household equipment and supplies and seeing that necessary repairs are made.

(iv)  Approving admission of residents, determining and recommending to the Board rules and rates for the hostel and helping to see that the residence is filled.

(v)    Making semi-annual inventories and household supplies and equipment.

(vi)  Formulating, recommending and administering the hostel budget.

(vii)  Maintaining a high standard of health in the hostel and having a doctor on call for emergencies.

m)   Building Committee:

The functions of this committee shall be:

(i)     Construction of Buildings.

(ii)    ii. Inspection of the buildings and its equipment, furnishing, carrying out necessary repairs and replacement.

n)     Vocational Training Committee

The functions of this Committee shall be:-

(i)     To study the educational resources of the community in the field of skill development and training; and to plan and provide courses for women and girls through the YWCA institutions.

(ii)    To develop and adapt courses relevant to the current needs of women and girls.

(iii)  To make annual inventories of equipment and to examine periodically inventories of supplies.

(iv)  To plan for and purchase the necessary equipments and undertake repairs to it.

o)     Religious Education Committee:

The functions of this Committee shall be:

(i)     To study the Christian implications of membership in the YWCA and constantly to seek to interpret these to the members through their normal programme activities as well as through special Bible Study courses and Association Worship Service of an ecumenical nature to celebrate special occasions.

(ii)    To give special study and thought to the implementation of National and World YWCA statements of policy relevant to the Christian emphasis.

(iii)  To act for the YWCA in cooperation with other Christian bodies, and to interpret their policy to the YWCA members and the Committees.

(iv)  To become familiar with all the latest developments in religious education generally and assist YWCA groups to use up-to-date methods of approach – drama, audio visual aids, etc.

(v)    To promote an interest in the study of comparative religion with a view to emphasizing the Christian message.


Quorum for Committee meeting shall be fifty percent 50% of the total members serving on the Committee.


Absence of a Committee member for three regular meeting in succession without sufficient reason in writing shall, after due notification, be considered equivalent to resignation, and the Chairperson shall be at liberty, in consultation with her committee, to appoint a suitable member to fill the vacancy.



The Nominating Committee shall be entirely and solely responsible for the conduct of the entire process of election including all procedures and processes stipulated in the Constitution and Bye-laws of the YWCA of_______________________.

It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to submit nominations for the Board of Management, and the Nominating Committee for the ensuring period.


Annual elections shall for the Board of Management, Office Bearers, and Chairperson and  members of the Nominating Committee shall be held by secret ballot, as authorised under the Constitution and Byelaws of the Local Association


The elections shall be held within six months of the end of the financial year not later than 30th September of each year. In exceptional circumstances, the timing of elections may be changed only after prior written approval is obtained by the Local Association from the YWCA of India.


Only the electoral members of the Local Association not in default can submit nominations or be nominated by the Nominating Committee.


The Membership Committee or in its absence the Nominating Committee shall be responsible for the preparation, and certification of the electoral rolls for the elections. The said electoral roll shall contain the names of all the electoral members of the local Association, who have fulfilled the requisite requirements under the Constitution of the Local Association and are not in arrears of membership dues.


(i)     The Nominating Committee in consultation with Board of Management shall fix a date for the conducting of the elections. It shall also specify the cut-off date for the preparation of electoral rolls.

(ii)    Ten weeks before the date of election the Nominating Committee shall meet to start the election process.

(iii)  The Nominating Committee shall direct the Membership Committee to prepare and furnish the Electoral Membership List, consisting of all names of the electoral members of the Association who are eligible to vote and stand for election.


(i)     The Membership Committee shall not exclude any electoral member of the Local Association from the electoral rolls except on grounds as stipulated in the Constitution.

(ii)    The membership Committee shall consider all relevant factors as stipulated by the Constitution to ensure inclusion of the names of members in the electoral rolls of the Local Association.

(iii)  The Membership Committee shall prepare and deliver the electoral rolls to the Nominating Committee within seven days (7) from the date the request was received.


(i)      On receipt of the electoral rolls from the Membership Committee, the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall call for a meeting to scrutinise and verify the electoral rolls.

(ii)    After scrutiny and verification, the Chairperson on behalf of the Nominating Committee shall certify the electoral rolls.

(iii)   This certified electoral list shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the Association & emailed to membership.

(iv)   Any member having grievance related to the electoral roll, may approach the Nominating Committee for redressal within the period of seven (7) days. The Nominating Committee shall take a decision on the objections or complaints of the member prior to final certification of the electoral roll.

(v)     The Nominating Committee shall ensure that the certified electoral roll is prominently displayed on the notice board of the YWCA of_______________________, and also available for inspection by the membership in the office.

(vi)   The Nominating Committee shall, along with the Electoral Roll also display prominently on the notice board  of the YWCA of_______________________, a schedule of the election process.


Within Seven days of  the certification of the Electoral roll, the Nominating Committee Chairperson shall:

(i)     Send a letter and email to the Membership calling for nominations to the Board of Management, Officers and the Chairpersons and members of the Nominating committee.

(ii)    Attach a copy of the certified electoral roll and the relevant details of the election procedure.

(iii)  Attach the entire election schedule, process, last date of receipt of nominations and last date for finalising nominations.


The Letter calling for nominations  shall state that:

(i)     A member being nominated for election to the Board of Management, has been included in the membership list of the Association, as on 30th June of the previous year.

(ii)    A member being nominated for election to the post of an Office bearer should have served in the Board of management for at least one year.

(iii)  30% of the members of the Board of Management shall be young women in the age group of 18 – 30 years.

(iv)  45 % of members of the Board of Management shall be in the age group of 31- 55 years.

(v)    Twenty five per cent (25%) of the Board of Management from the age group of 56 years and above.

(vi)  For candidates standing for election as Officers and Chairperson – Nominating Committee, an upper age limit of 65 years as of 30th June shall be laid down as cut off for eligibility.

(vii) No two members of the same family shall be nominated to serve on the Board at the same time.

(viii) The last date for the receipt of nominations shall be two weeks from the date of mailing of the aforesaid letter calling for nominations.

(ix)   Nominations received after the prescribed date shall be treated as invalid.

(x)    Nominations must be accompanied by written/ emailed acceptance from each of the nominated candidates.


(i)      The Nominating Committee shall keep itself informed of the potential leadership and encourage candidates who have gained experience in the YWCA for at least one calendar year to offer themselves for elections.

(ii)    The Nominating Committee of the Association shall meet after the last date of receiving of nominations to scrutinize the nominations received and to prepare a list of valid nominations for the particular position.

(iii)  The Nominating Committee, while examining the validity of the nominations for candidates for the elections, shall be bound by the following criteria only:-

a.      Whether the member nominated is in default or in arrears of dues to the Association.

b.      Whether the member is of sound mind.

c.      Whether the member is free of any criminal record.

d.      Whether the member nominated has appended her signature to the consent form and has given her written acceptance/consent along with the nomination.

e.      Whether the nomination has been received by the office of the Local Association before the expiry of the prescribed last date for receipt of nominations.

(iv)  The Nominating Committee shall include in its list all valid nominations, which fulfil the above criteria.

(v)    The Nominating Committee shall also have authority to include/exclude a nomination on sufficient reasons recorded in writing.


The Nominating Committee after short-listing the nominations shall:

(i)     Write /email to the nominated candidates to send their signed Bio-data within seven days.

(ii)    Also give an opportunity to the nominated candidate to withdraw her nomination within the seven days of receipt.

(iii)  The   Nominating Committee shall draw up a list of prospective candidates and prepare the ‘Who’s Who’ containing photographs and bio data of all the candidates for circulation to the membership through email/post at least ten days prior to the date of elections.

(iv)  A copy of the ‘Who’s Who’ shall also be displayed on the notice board of the YWCA and made available in the office for inspection by the members.


(i)     Ballot papers shall be prepared containing the names of all the candidates for the posts of Office bearers, Board of Management, Nominating Committee and its Chairperson.

(ii)    The Ballot papers shall mention “Indicate your choice by putting an “X” in the box next to the name of the candidate whom you wish to elect. Any other mark at any other place on the ballot paper whatsoever shall invalidate your ballot paper”.

(iii)  The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall sign all the ballot papers which have been prepared and printed.

(iv)  The Ballot papers for different categories may be printed on different coloured paper for easy identification.

(v)    The Nominating Committee shall give a choice of candidates for each post as far as possible.

(vi)   The Nominating Committee shall arrange for the ballot boxes as well as multiple booths to ensure privacy and secrecy.


(i)     Tellers shall be chosen from among the associate membership before the schedule date of election or from the floor.

(ii)    The tellers should not be less than five (5) and not more than ten (10).

(iii)  All candidates standing for election shall be introduced to the membership who may interact with them informally prior to election.

(iv)   On the day of the Annual General Body meeting which may or may not coincide with the Elections, the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall report on the work of her Committee.

(v)    The Chairperson if required can engage the services of one/two Observers appointed by the National YWCA at the time of elections and counting of votes.

(vi)  The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall reject the invalid ballots.

(vii) After counting the ballots, the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall prepare the list of elected candidates which shall be signed by the Chairperson, tellers and Observers, if any.

(viii)  The Chairperson shall then proceed to announce the results of the election and also put up the results on the Notice Board of the Association.

(ix)   No one shall be permitted to withdraw her name in the event of a tie.

(x)    Re-elections for the post shall be conducted by the Nominating Committee.

(xi)   To be considered as elected for an uncontested post, the candidate shall have received fifty percent (50%) plus one vote of the total votes cast.

(xii) After the conclusion of the elections, the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall further ensure that all the ballots cast are kept in a sealed cover and preserved for a period of one year from the date of election.



Certified that this is the true copy of the Constitution and Bye-laws of the YWCA of___________________________________.

PRESIDENT ______________________     SIGNATURE____________________________

SECRETARY _______________________    SIGNATURE ____________________________

Address:                                                               Dated:

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